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Netzium Tokenomics: A Deeper Dive into the Enerconomy

Netzium tokenomics are designed to create a vibrant, sustainable, and equitable energy economy. Netzium tokens are sold in packages called EPCs - each of which has a distinct purpose within the ecosystem, catering to different stakeholders and use cases.

Empowerment Certificates: the EPC

The Empowerment Certificate, or EPC, is a secure tokenized certificate which holds the smart contract terms under which a holder may be rewarded for their subscription and any activity they take within the ecosystem. EPCs contain a record of tokens and shares* which are allocated as part of the subscription.

EPCs are currently available in three main types:

  • Genesis EPC

  • Universal EPC

  • Social EPC

  • Exchange EPC

Genesis EPC: Founding the Future

Genesis EPCs and the Netzium tokens allocated to them, represent 1% of the total 365 billion NZM supply. They are reserved for early supporters who play a pivotal role in establishing the Netzium ecosystem. A portion of these EPCs and their tokens will be allocated during the initial Token Generation Event (TGE) Launch on October 1, 2024, and come with exclusive benefits, such as shares in Sync Neural Genesis AG and priority access to future developments.

  • TGE Launch Allocation: 41.25 million NZM

  • Package Price: £5,000 (includes both token allocation and 7,000 SNG shares)

Universal EPC: Empowering Individual Energy Producers

Universal EPCs are the primary package for individuals within the Sync ecosystem who wish to subscribe at a smaller scale. With a total of 500m NZM allocated for the TGE launch, these EPCs and their tokens are designed to be available at an accessible rate, empowering individuals to participate in the decentralized energy market.

  • TGE Launch Allocation: 0.5 billion NZM

  • Package Prices: £100 (includes token allocation without shares)

Social EPC: Providing power to emerging markets

Social EPCs are tailored for community-scale organisations, offering them a stake in the growing Netzium ecosystem. These tokens are designed to allow investment into social projects and emerging markets.

  • TGE Launch Allocation: 1 million NZM

  • Package Price: £10 (includes token allocation without shares)

Energy Transition Exchange EPC: A direct path to phase out fossil fuels by facilitating global energy trade

The Energy Transition Exchange EPC package includes a shareholding stake in our unique fossil fuel to renewable energy commodities market and a substantial preferential number of AEIR Tokens to access future wireless power transmission capacity. Tokens are designed for trading on international energy exchanges. With a total of 10,000 NZM tokens allocated at a price of £10,000 each for each EPC, these EPC holders will play a crucial role in establishing a global energy market. By enabling seamless exchange between different regional Netzium tokens, the exchange promotes liquidity and fosters a truly interconnected energy ecosystem.

  • TGE Launch Allocation: 50 million AIER tokens

  • Package Price: £10,000 (includes token allocation and preferential access to an assignment of 1000 future wireless shares of the Sync Energy Transition Exchange - Hong Kong)

Additional Tokens for Phase II

Aeir Netzium: Expanding the Network through Community Participation

Once the Aeir Wireless Transmission system is up and running, we will launch Aeir Netzium tokens to incentivize the expansion of our decentralized wireless energy infrastructure. Users will, under appropriate circumstances, be able to exchange their tokens for an Aeir residential antenna, enabling them to generate tokens by producing and sharing energy. A community-driven model for network growth, where users are directly rewarded for their contributions.

Founders' Team Netzium: Recognizing Innovation and Commitment

Founders' Team Netzium is a special allocation of tokens designed to reward the Sync team for their dedication and innovation in developing the Netzium ecosystem. These tokens vest over time, aligning the team's interests with the long-term success of the project.

Preparation and Financial Backing: A Solid Foundation for Growth

To ensure a successful launch and ongoing development, Sync has already secured significant financial backing. Internal subscribers have purchased 75 million gNZM tokens worth of EPC packages, and the company is currently supported by over 300 shareholders, each entitled to shares in Sync Neural Genesis AG in addition to their token allocation. This strong foundation demonstrates the confidence in Sync's vision and provides the necessary resources to build a thriving decentralized energy ecosystem.

*Please refer to Netzium website for terms and conditions.

Last updated